

Equality holds for Variant objects that are identical in the normalized form.


v1 = Variant("chrN", 3, "C","CTGCCCTACTGCA", reference)
v2 = Variant("chrN", 14, "C", "CATGCCCTACTGC", reference)

# True
v1 == v2

VariantAlignment objects are identifical if the phased forms are identifcal.


For example, when mappers A and B align the same indel differently:

bam_a = pysam.AlignmentFile("/path/to/mapper_a.bam")
bam_b = pysam.AlignmentFile("/path/to/mapper_b.bam")

v_in_a = Variant("N", 6, "C", "CG", reference)
v_in_b = Variant("N", 5, "A", "AGTC", reference)

aln_a = VariantAlignment(v_in_a, bam_a)
aln_b = VariantAlignment(v_in_b, bam_b)

# True
aln_a == aln_b

The equality bewteen VariantAlignment objects is equivalent to:

v_in_a_phased = aln_a.phase()
v_in_b_phased = aln_b.phase()

# True. both represent Variant("N", 6, "C", "GTCG", reference)
v_in_a_phased == v_in_b_phased

The target indel may be obscured as in the soft-clipped (lowercase) alignment by mapper C:

bam_c = pysam.AlignmentFile("/path/to/mapper_c.bam")

aln_c = VariantAlignment(v_in_a, bam_c)

# True
aln_a == aln_b == aln_c

Despite the equality, the VariantAlignment objects may return different values:

# for example when mapping A is DNA-Seq and mapping C is RNA-Seq
dna_cnt = aln_a.count_alleles()
rna_cnt = aln_c.count_alleles()

# False, generally
dna_cnt == rna_cnt

Querying VCF file

Below are NF1 tumor suppressor gene indels regsitered in COSMIC(v89) . For each variant, the VCF allele information is shown on the left with the alignments vs. GRCh38 on the right.


Using del2 (bottom) as example, query the COSMIC VCF database:

import pysam
from indelpost import Variant

reference = pysam.FastaFile("/path/to/GRCh38.fa")
cosmic = pysam.VariantFile("/path/to/cosmic.v89.vcf(.gz)")

# del2
v = Variant("17", 31224665, "CC", "C", reference)

Normalization query (default) returns VCF entries that are identical after normalization:

norm_hits = v.query_vcf(cosmic) # list of 2 hit VCF entries (del1 and del2)

for hit in norm_hits:

    #COSMIC count for del1
    #COSMIC count for del2

Locus query returns VCF entries located at the normalized genomic locus:

locus_hits = v.query_vcf(cosmic, matchby="locus") # list of 5 hit VCF entries (all indels)

for hit in locus_hits:

    #COSMIC count for del1
    #COSMIC count for ins3

Exact query only returns a VCF entry matching without normalization:

exact_hit = v.query(cosmic, matchby="exact") # list of a hit VCF entry (del2)


#COSMIC count for del2

Decomposing complex indels

Reduce a complex indel to a set of simple events:

import pysam
from indelpost import Variant

reference = pysam.FastaFile("/path/to/GRCh38.fa")

v = Variant("chr1", 114299169, "CAGTGA", "TCTCT", reference)

decomposed = v.decompose_complex_variant() # list of Variant objects

for d in decomposed:

    print(d.chrom, d.pos, d.ref, d.alt)

    # chr1 114299168 A AT
    # chr1 114299169 CAG C
    # chr1 114299173 G C
    # chr1 114299174 A T

Tune parameters to obtain a different decomposition:

decomposed = v.decompose_complex_variant(gap_extension_penalty=3)

for d in decomposed:

    print(d.chrom, d.pos, d.ref, d.alt)

    # chr1 114299168 AC A
    # chr1 114299170 A T
    # chr1 114299171 G C
    # chr1 114299173 G C
    # chr1 114299174 A T

Counting/Fetching indel-supporting reads


Set up to analyze the pileup above:

import pysam
from indelpost import Variant, VariantAlignment

reference = pysam.FastaFile("/path/to/reference.fa")
bam = pysam.AlignmentFile("/path/to/thispileup.bam")

v = Variant("chrN", 123, "CA", "C", reference)
valn = VariantAlignment(v, bam)

Count reads:

cnt = valn.count_alleles()
#(4, 4) as (non-target, target)

# forward and reverse
fw_rv_cnt = valn.count_alleles(fwrv=True)
#((1, 3), (3, 1)) as ((non-target_fw, non-target_rv), (target_fw, target_rv))

# count by fragment
f_cnt = valn.count_alleles(by_fragment=True)
#(4, 3)
#non-supporting fragments = C, D, F, G
#supporting fragments = A, B, D

Fetch reads as a list of pysam’s AlignedSegment:

supporting_reads = valn.fetch_reads()

non-supporting_reads = valn.fetch_reads(how="non_target")

reads_covering_the_locus = valn.fetch_reads(how="covering")

for read in supporting_reads:

    # 60
    # 37

Annotating complex indels from simple indels

Complex indel representations can be obtained from a variant caller output with simple alleles. Suppose the output VCF file is parsed to a flat-table “simple_indels.tab”:

1       123     A       ATC
1       4567    GTCC    G
1       8901    TGA     T

Annotate complex indels for the table:

import pysam
import pandas as pd
from indelpost import Variant, VariantAlignment

reference = pysam.FastaFile("/path/to/reference.fa")
bam = pysam.AlignmentFile("/path/to/bam_used_for_variant_calling.bam")

def annot_complex_indel(row):
    v = Variant(row["CHROM"], row["POS"], row["REF"], row["ALT"], reference)
    valn = VariantAlignment(v, bam)

    v_cplx = valn.phase(how="complex") # v_cplx will be v if v is not a part of complex event

    return v_cplx.pos, v_cplx.ref, v_cplx.alt

df = pd.read_csv("simple_indels.tab", sep="\t")

df["COMPLEX_POS"], df["COMPLEX_REF"], df["COMPLEX_ALT"] = zip(*df.apply(annot_complex_indel, axis=1))


Integrating indel call sets

Given the data represented by the pileup below, two variant callers reported different sets of indels. These can be integrated with indelPost.


Caller A                      Caller B
N     3   TC  C               N     3   TC  C
N     9   GAA G               N     9   G   GGCTGCT
N     11  A   AGCTGCTGG       N     15  G   GA

Prepare phased indel calls:

reference = pysam.FastaFile("/path/to/reference.fa")
bam = pysam.AlignmentFile("/path/to/thisdata.bam")

v_a1_phased = VariantAlignment(Variant("N", 3, "TC", "C", reference), bam).phase()
v_a2_phased = VariantAlignment(Variant("N", 9, "GAA", "G", reference), bam).phase()
v_b3_phased = VariantAlignment(Variant("N", 15, "G", "GA", reference), bam).phase()

Integrate them using set operations:

call_set_A = {v_a1_phased, v_a2_phased, v_a3_phased}
call_set_B = {v_b1_phased, v_b2_phased, v_b3_phased}

union = call_set_A | call_set_B

for v in union:
    print(v.chrom, v.pos, v.ref, v.alt)

    # N, 3, TC, C
    # N, 10, AA, GCTGCTGG
    # N, 15, GA, A

consensus = call_set_A & call_set_B

for v in consensus:
    print(v.chrom, v.pos, v.ref, v.alt)

    # N, 3, TC, C
    # N, 10, AA, GCTGCTGG